Minggu, 30 November 2008

All Men Be Careful While Making Relationships On Dating Sites

Internet dating is growing more day by day and most importantly it is attracting both men and women vastly with their so called feature or service "End to loneliness for good".But do you know that you could even get in some real trouble if you're not careful or sensitive while making a relationship with somebody online and meeting him or her in person?

Internet dating has also lots of snags that are not often talked about openly.The practice has been hugely focused and encouraged everywhere from main motion pictures to great commercials.Besides women, men are also cheated or victimized by the persons with whom they made a good relation in the hope of good.Sometimes they are assaulted, robbed and sometimes even got murdered from encounters with "women" met online.This is because some predators target elderly men,some targets homosexual individuals and others target some general men.But the fact is, these incidents are never taken seriously and never got the alertness they deserve.

One man was hospitalized who seriously injured after meeting a women he met online.The women brought with her a number of guys who were hiding and when the opportunity came he got seriously beaten by those guys and everything was taken away from him and then they left the place leaving him wounded on the road.Now how can you make sure that you're not going fall in this same situation?Well if you follow some common steps and got some common sense then surely you can also avoid such situations.

1. Do not get too much attracted seeing the profile picture at first because those images can be easily faked or taken from other photography sites.Make sure the person you are getting in touch with have no criminal backgrounds like charges of robbery,theft or frauds.You should also keep your own information as private as possible

2. Your Social security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, bank account information, and any other sensitive information should never be given to another individual over the internet.

3. When you finally meet her in person, always try to meet on public places rather talking yourself to some deserted places where groups or gangs might be waiting for you.And never open your wallet more often if not necessary.

I am not saying everyone in the dating sites are frauds,but in most cases scamming has been the main issue.So why to take the risk if you know that if you're a bit careful then you can avoid these troubles?Love scams normally target men as well as women. If you come into contact with someone you believe to be a scam artist, end the relationship, and don't respond to further communication.

Do make good relationships whom you like or love but it's also your responsibility to keep yourself safe.


End of November~ : )




Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Once you feel slightly bored on a Saturday evening...

..and cannot get yourself together to study at least a bit... (like your boyfriend sitting one metre away for instance does ....) you do things like that....

Wie spät ist es jetzt?
23.21 Uhr

1.Wie ist dein Name?

2.Wie ist dein zweiter Name?

3.Wie ist dein Nachname?
ischt zu lang'

4.Hast du Spitznamen?
sogar ziemlich viele - Sonne, Sonnchen, Soncek, Sonny, Słoneczko, Lupo...

Alt genug..22!

weiblich nehm ich mal an

den syttende mai :) 17.05

The best of the best- Stier

9.Wo wohnst du?

10.Warst du schon mal verliebt?
Und wie- just in diesem Moment!

11.Welches ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
schwer zu sagen, aber ich glaube doch dass es gruen ist!

12.Hast du Piercings oder möchtest du welche?

13.Welches ist momentan dein Lieblingslied?
viele, viele- "Human" - The Killers, "Tulips"- Bloc Party, "On the wild side" -Lou Reed u.v.m..

14.Hast du ein Tattoo oder hättest du gerne eins?
Nein..und im Moment habe ich auch keine Idee fuer eins...

15.Wenn ja, was und wo?

16.Wo kaufst du am meisten ein?
Ueberall..ich gebe ueberall viel zu viel aus...

17.Was für eine Farbe hat dein Haar?
irgendein braun. Dunkel ist es

18.Was für eine Farbe haben deine Augen?
dunkelbraun.. so wie bei Dackeln!

19.Nimmst du Drogen?

20.Rauchst du?
nicht mehr

21.Wenn ja, welche Marke?

22.Welche Art von Musik magst du?
HipHop, Indie, Folk (Balkan&Gypsy etc..), good old Rock...

23.Wer sind deine besten Freunde?
viele ;) Aber das wissen die auch!

24.Wer sind deine besten *online*-Freunde?
sowas gibt's????

25.Wenn du ein Mädchen bist, welche Art von Make-up benutzt du?
ich brauch keins :P
Manchmal nur a bissal fluid und lipgloss.. ich kann mich net guat schminken! Bin ne Flasche :D

26.Welches Shampoo benutzt du?
Kommt auf meine Laune drauf an, vorzugsweise John Frieda und L'Oreal

27.Sind deine Haare kurz oder lang?
Mittellang ;)

28.Magst du Shopping?
Ich hasse es!

29.Welche Sportarten machst du?
Aktiv : Reiten, Snowboard, Orienteering und Kanufahren :). Hauptsache draussen!

30.Was ist deine größte Angst?
Jemanden den ich liebe, zu verlieren

31.Was ist dein Lieblingstier?
Alle! Hervorheben kann ich da Hunde und Pferde. Generell finde ich Tiere intelligenter als Menschen!

32.Was machst du, um Spaß zu haben?
Ich bin mit den Menschen zusammen, die mich zum Lachen bringen koennen. Das reicht mir immer vollkommen.

33.Wie viele Telefone hast du zu Hause?
2 Mobiltelefone, Eins in meiner WG, eins bei Mama und eins bei Papa... zaehlt dat so?!

34.Wie viele Fernseher hast du zu Hause?


35.Was ist dein Lieblingsessen?
Ne znam- etwas vegetarisches.. Norwegische Waffeln und Ratatouille by Mama. Ich mag diese gelbe Flachbohnen mit Knoblauch. Ottimo!

36.Siehst du aus, wie eine berühmte Person?
Meinen Freunden nach zu urteilen wie manche - wenn ich blond bin seh ich aus wie Jessica Simpson oder Katherine Heigl. Und wenn dunkler, dann wie Mandy Moore.

Finde ich nicht!

37.Findest du dich attraktiv?

38.Was machst du meistens am Wochenende?
Immer was anderes, hab es nicht mit Routine!

39.Schläfst du auf dem Rücken, Bauch oder auf der Seite?
ich waelz mich viel rum- also sagen wir mal 50 % Bauch, 30 % Ruecken der Rest ist..unklar ;D

40.Schläfst du mit einem Stofftier?
Ja, mit Spongebob!

41.Schläfst du mit Licht an oder aus?
Wenn ich allein bin, mit Licht- ich habe immer noch Angst vor Pennywise, dem Clown etc...

42.Welches ist deine Lieblings-TV-Sendung?
Ich kukk kein TV! Ganz selten, und dann nur Sport, oder Reportagen.

43.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsfilm?
Reservoir Dogs, Au revoir les enfants, No country for old men, Tito and Me, Irina Palm, Braveheart... Filme wie diese...

44.Welches Parfüm benutzt du?
Im Moment "Flowers" von Kenzo und "Angel Innocent" von Thierry Mugler (my fave!)

45.Hast du ein eigenes Telefon?

46.Wenn ja, wie lautet deine Nummer?
ha ha

47.Was ist das verrückteste, was du je getan hast?
das darf ich nicht sagen, weil meine Eltern mitlesen. Hat aber Spass gemacht!

48.In was für Klamotten schläfst du?
Kommt drauf an, manchmal auch ohne!

49.Welche Marke haben deine Schuhe?
Alles queer beet- von Lacoste, Nike ueber italienische bis zu DocMartens

50.Welches ist dein Lieblingsgetränk?
Cajpur (indischer Tee)

51.Welche Wörter sagst du am häufigsten?
ueberragend :)

52.Bist du ein ernster, lauter, schüchterner oder fröhlicher Typ?

53.Welches Auto hättest du gerne?
Mustang '67

54.Was ist an deiner Schule besonders?
Elite ;P

55.Bist du lustig oder seltsam?
beides :D

56.Welches ist die häßlichste Person die du kennst?
es gibt keine haesslichen Personen!

57.Bist du populär?

58.Was war dein peinlichstes Erlebnis?
Es ergibt sich jeden Tag was neues.. gestern hat an der Uni mein HandyWecker angefangen zu klingeln. Nicht toll...

59.Wenn du drei Wünsche hättest, was würdest du dir wünschen?
Weltmacht wuerde mir reichen..
Ganz im Ernst- dass alle Menschen die ich liebe, immer gesund und gluecklich sind

60.Willst du mal heiraten?

61.Wenn ja, wo?
Wo es nicht regnet :)

62.Glaubst du an Gott?

63.Wenn ja, betest du?

64.Ist das Glas halb-leer oder halb-voll?
kommt drauf an

65.Bist du Rechts- oder Linkshaender?

66.Welcher Spruch trifft auf dich zu?
ta det lugnt!

67.Würdest du jemals jemanden betrügen?

68.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsname für ein Mädchen?
darueber mache ich mir im Moment keinen Gedanken...

69.Welcher ist dein Lieblingsname für einen Jungen?

70.Wenn du etwas an dir ändern könntest, was waere es?
Ich wuerde mir liebend gerne weniger Sorgen um alle und alles machen und mein Hirn mal ausschalten ;D

71.Hast du schon mal versucht, dich umzubringen?

72.Welches ist dein liebstes Fast-Food-Restaurant?
Burger King

73.Wen hasst du richtig?
hassen ist das falsche Wort; ich verachte abgrundtief einen Hochstabler und Betrüger, der mir niemanden

74.Welches sind die schrecklichsten Namen?
Detlef und dergleichen :P

75.Hast du Geschwister?
ja, einen Bruder

76.Wenn ja, wie alt sind sie und wie heißen sie?
Sebastian und fast 30 (muhaha)

77.Hast du einen Pool?
noch nicht...

78.Was war das erste, was du von dem anderen Geschlecht bemerkt hast?
weiß ich nicht mehr

79.Wonach bist du süchtig?
Cola Zero :(

80.Magst du Schmuck?

81.Wer würdest du gerne sein?
nur ich selbst

82.Wer hat es einfacher, Männer oder Frauen?

83.Wärst du lieber groß oder klein?
Ich liebe es gross zu sein!

84.Tanzt du gern?
Ja! GypsyTaenze etc :D

85.Feierst du viel?
nein, nicht mehr ! Ab und zu.

86.Spielst du anderen Leuten gerne Streiche?
Und ob!

87.Wenn ja, was war das verrückteste, das du je getan hast?
Jemanden angezuendet :(

88.Welches ist dein liebstes Schulfach?

89.Wer ist die witzigste Person, die du kennst?

90.Welche Zeit ist jetzt?

91.Möchtest du studieren?
mach ich grad

92.Wenn ja, was?
Politik und Fremdsprachen

93.Welche Schule besuchst du?

94.Fühlst du dich wohl in deiner Klasse?

95.Magst du Video-Spiele?

96.Wenn ja, welches magst du am liebsten?

97.Schläfst du viel?
leider :(

98.Bist du ein Morgen- oder ein Nachtmensch?
Nachtaktiv und nervig und sowieso ..aber ich finde es viel geiler Morgens schon fruehs wach zu sein..

99.Kannst du Liebe definieren?
eine Definition sitzt grad neben mir :D

100.Wie oft duschst du?
selten..mog i nicht ;) 1 mal pro Tag oder so..

101.Kommst du gut mit deinen Eltern klar?

102.Hast du sie schon mal angelogen?

103.Wenn ja, wieso?
sag i net ;)

104.Bist du reich, mittel oder arm?
Es geht mir gut

105.Wieviele Zimmer hat dein Haus/Wohnung?

106.Was willst du werden?
UN-Generalsekraeterin :D

107.Bist du schon mal geflogen?
sehr oft

108.Wenn ja, wie hat es dir gefallen?
geilomat, obwohl ich Angst hoab

109.Hast du einen *online*-Flirt?

110.Fluchst du viel?
Immer weniger :D

111.Hast du schon mal geglaubt, du müßtest sterben?

112.Wenn ja, wo und warum?

113.Hast du schon mal ein UFO gesehen?
Leider nicht :(

114.Bist du kitzelig?
hi hi

115.Welches sind deine Lieblings-Blumen?
Sonnenblumen <3>

116.Wie sieht dein Zimmer aus?
alle zwei sehen toll aus

117.Wie würdest du dich selber beschreiben (Mitläufer, Möchtegern, Freak, Rebell,...)?

118.Glaubst du an Jesus?

119.Welche Religion hast du?
Ich glaube an Gott und nicht Religion

120.Glaubst du an Wiedergeburt?
dazu habe ich keine Meinung. Es kommt mir aber nicht abwegig vor..

121.Glaubst du an schwarze Magie?

122.Hast du es schon mal ausprobiert?
nein! Um Gottes Willen!

123.Glaubst du, dass eine Person für eine Andere bestimmt ist?

124.Glaubst du an Liebe auf den ersten Blick?
JA :)

125.Welche Farbe hat deine Zahnbürste?

126.Wieviel mal pro Tag putzt du dir die Zähne?
3 Mal

127.Wer ist deine Lieblings-Cartoon-Figur?
viele. Scooby Doo und Mutley sind toll

128.Hast du einen Job?
Tochter ;)

129.Welches ist deine Lieblingsfrucht?

130.Welches ist dein Lieblingsgemüse?
Aubergine und Broccoli

131.Welches sind deine Lieblings-Süßigkeiten?
alles ausser Kekse und Lakritz und dunkler Schoki und Rosinen ...

Welches war dein schönster Tag in deinem Leben?
gibt viele davon :) Gott sei Dank..

Weil es so ist

134.Bist du *Vater's kleines Mädchen/Junge*?

135.Bist du *Mama's kleiner Engel*?
Jawohl :)

136.Spielst du ein Instrument?
Tu ich! Klavier und so..

137.Benutzt du Deodorant?

138.Wenn ja, welches?

139.Hast du AOL 4.0?
was ist das?

140.Wer ist das süßeste Mädchen?

141.Wer ist der süßeste Junge?
Mein Freund naturligvis!

142.Wer ist der süßeste berühmte Typ?
Ozzy- ist so ein kleiner Mops .... :)

143.Trägst du gerade jetzt Nagellack?

144.Wenn ja, welche Farbe?
nix Farbe

145.Wie viele Ringe/Armbänder trägst du?

146.Welches ist deine Lieblings-Zahnpasta?
So eine Chinesische, hat so leckere Kraeuter als Inhaltsstoff

147.Bist du müde?
neee, kukk ja gleich noch nen Film

148.Hast du Narben?

149.Hast du jemals wegen jemandem des anderen Geschlechts geweint?

150.Magst du Lolli-Pops?
geht so

151.Wie spät ist es jetzt?

152.An was denkst du gerade jetzt?
dass ich ins Bett will... ;)

153.Ohne zu schauen, was für Unterwäsche trägst du gerade jetzt?
nix, trag sowas nischt ;D

154.Wer bringt dich zum Lachen?
meine Liebsten

155.Wer ist dein Lieblings-Lehrer?
darf ich nicht sagen

156.Hast du den Führerschein?

157.Mit wievielen Kissen schläfst du?
4 :D

158.Was war dein schlimmster Alptraum?
Weltuntergang etc

159.Welches Geheimnis kannst du mir hier verraten?
dann ist es ja kein Geheimnis mehr

160.Was am anderen Geschlecht verstehst du nicht?
muß man sie verstehen?

161.Was am selben Geschlecht verstehst du nicht?
Doppelmoral ...

162.Welches ist deine Lieblingsmarke bei Kleidern/Klamotten?
viele, viele, Roxy, CK

163.Welche Ferien magst du am liebsten?


165.Welche Werbung magst du am liebsten?

166.Welche Werbung kannst du nicht ausstehen?

167.Was hast du letzten Sommer getan?
nur Dummheiten

168.Hast du letzte Woche geweint?

hab ich doch nicht

170.Wo bist du geboren?

171.Hast du jemals woanders gewohnt?
jaaaaa, bin ein Zugvogel

172.Wenn ja, wo gefiel es dir am besten?
kann ich nicht sagen, wenns mir nicht mehr gefällt, ziehe ich um

173.Welcher ist dein liebster Disney-Film?
"König der Löwen"

174.Sammelst du irgendwas?
Briefmarken und Geld :P

175.Wenn ja, was?

176.Welcher ist dein Lieblings-TV-Kanal?

177.Was vermisst du beim anderen Geschlecht?
selbstaendiges denken :P

178.Wie viele CD's hast du?
many many maaaaaaaaany

179.Gehst du gerne auf Konzerte?

180.Wenn ja, aufwievielen warst du schon?
kann ich nicht zaehlen ;)

181.Hast du schon mal eine berühmte Person getroffen??
joa kann man so sagen

182.Wer war am nettesten?

183.In welchen Klamotten fühlst du dich am wohlsten?

184.Welches Essen magst du ueberhaupt nicht?
Lakritze und Fleisch und weiss nimma

185.Trägst du eine Brille oder Kontaktlinsen?

186.Magst du lieber Seide oder Baumwolle?

187.Mariah Carey oder Whitney Houston?

188.Welches ist dein Planet?
Venus, he he

189.Welches ist dein Element?
Erde, aber ich finde Wasser is besser

190.Reich und unglücklich oder arm und glücklich?
hauptsache happy wuerd ich mal ganz spontan sagen

191.Welche Zeitschriften magst du?
La Gazzetta dello Sport, Spiegel, Newsweek

192.Coca Cola oder Pepsi?
schmeckt doch beides gleich ey

193.Welche Jahreszeit magst du am liebsten?
Sommer und Mai :P

194.Welches ist dein liebster Wochentag?
Donnerstag ab 20 Uhr

195.Welcher ist dein liebster Monat?

196.Was ist dein größtes Talent?
och ich habe viele, zu viele um eins hervorzuheben

197.Bist du ein guter Zuhörer?

198.Kommen Freunde zu dir wenn sie Probleme haben?

199.Magst du Kettenbriefe?

200.Was war Dein erstes Auto, und welche Farbe hatte es?

201. Was hast Du jetzt für ein Auto?
in meinen Traeumen fahre ich einen Mustang

202. Was für ein Auto willst Du Dir mal holen?
Mustang.. Jaguar evtl auch

203. Hast Du schon mal Bungee- Jumping gemacht?

204. Wie heißt Dein/e erste/r Freund/in?

205. Wie heißt die Person, von der Du Deinen ersten Kuss bekommen hast?

206. Welche verstorbene Person würdest Du gern mal treffen?
meine Oma

207. Was ist die seltsamste Erfindung, die es gibt?
kA... ich!

watch out


I just tidied up a bit...

Et voila, a few pics of my (still not fully furnitured) room (plus sleeping hunk...).

Health: Nutrition In Childhood

Childhood & teenage is the most important time in a person’s life. After birth the increased growth rate of the child continues up to 18-19 years of age. Thus the amount of nutrients needed for a child is much greater than an adult. At this age the physiological development of the person is not complete, so the person is not very aware of maintaining a balanced diet rich in the nutrients needed by the body. As a result, the person fails to obtain the nutrients in the food needed by the body. Owing to fewer nutrients the body becomes weak; the person can suffer from serious diseases, and many times the patient have to live the rest of his life with his or her body thin & weak. So the responsibility of the parents towards their children is more. They have to be very careful about the food their children eat.

The rate of growth is the fastest in females from 11-13 years and in males 13-15 years. The amount of nutrients needed by the body is not same for all. We have to consider the person’s sex, age, the rate of growth to know the demand of food needed by the person. The more the rate of growth the more food is needed. The growth & development of the body depends a lot on food.

Nutrients that are required to be in the food eaten by the children:

  • There must be enough calories to provide the working energy.
  • There must be enough proteins for repair & fast growth of the body.
  • As the bones & teeth develop in this age, so there must be sufficient minerals & vitamin D in the diet.

In many countries children of this age suffer from the lack of nutrients mostly protein, calcium, iron, & vitamin A, whose main cause is poorness, lack of knowledge on food nutrients, and lack of a good appetite. In this age the children spend most of their time in school & the amount of food they eat there is inadequate for their body. Amount of food a 10-12 year old child should ingest everyday are as follows:

· 320g fiber

· 60g split peas

· 100g fruit

· 50g milk

· 200g fish or meat

· 130g oil or butter

Lack of the above mentioned items can be harmful.

If the child does not like to eat then vitamin D capsule can be provided but the age must be considered. The demand of food by the body is very high in this age even though the child has low appetite. So take care of your child very well and make him understand the necessity of food that he must eat to keep his health good.

World's oldest person die at 115

Edna Parker holds a rose that she was given during a birthday party for her in

AP – Edna Parker holds a rose that she was given during a birthday party for her in Shelbyville, Ind., in …

SHELBYVILLE, Ind. – Edna Parker, who became the world's oldest person more than a year ago, has died at age 115.

UCLA gerontologist Dr. Stephen Coles said Parker's great-nephew notified him that Parker died Wednesday at a nursing home in Shelbyville. She was 115 years, 220 days old, said Robert Young, a senior consultant for gerontology for Guinness World Records.

Parker was born April 20, 1893, in central Indiana's Morgan County and had been recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest person since the 2007 death in Japan of Yone Minagawa, who was four months her senior.

Coles maintains a list of the world's oldest people and said Parker was the 14th oldest validated supercentenarian in history. Maria de Jesus of Portugal, who was born Sept. 10, 1893, is now the world's oldest living person, according to the Gerontology Research Group.

Parker had been a widow since her husband, Earl Parker, died in 1939 of a heart attack. She lived alone in their farmhouse until age 100, when she moved into a son's home and later to the Shelbyville nursing home.

Although she never drank alcohol or tried tobacco and led an active life, Parker didn't offer tips for living a long life. Her only advice to those who gathered to celebrate when she became the oldest person was "more education."

Parker outlived her two sons, Clifford and Earl Jr. She also had five grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.

Don Parker, 60, said his grandmother had a small frame and a mild temperament. She walked a lot and kept busy even after moving into the nursing home, he said.

"She kept active," he said Thursday. "We used to go up there, and she would be pushing other patients in their wheelchairs."

Gov. Mitch Daniels celebrated with Parker on her 114th birthday.

"It was a delight to know Edna, who must have been a remarkable lady at any age," Daniels said.

Parker taught in a two-room school in Shelby County for several years after graduating from Franklin College in 1911. She wed her childhood sweetheart and neighbor in 1913.

But as was the tradition of that era, her teaching career ended with her marriage. Parker traded the schoolhouse for life as a farmer's wife, preparing meals for as many as a dozen men who worked on her husband's farm.

Parker noted with pride last year that she and her husband were one of the first owners of an automobile in their rural area.

Coincidentally, Parker lived in the same nursing home as 7-foot-7 Sandy Allen, whom Guinness recognized as the world's tallest woman until her death in August.


Jumat, 28 November 2008

Man with no arms caught driving

Chinese police have pulled over a man driving a 4x4 only to find that he had no arms.

Man with no arms caught driving

Police stop Zing Shen, in Beijing, was steering the vehicle with his feet Photo: EUROPICS [CEN]

Police were amazed at their disco

very during a routine check of vehicles on the road.

Zing Shen, 42, was steering the vehicle with his feet and said he had been doing so for years.

It was reported that he was stunned when police officers issued him with a public safety summons.

The man told traffic police that ever since he lost his arms in an industrial accident several years ago, he had used his feet to steer his vehicle without difficulty. He has no arms from the elbows down.

His car was an automatic so he did not have to concern himself with changing gear.

A police spokesman in Beijing said: "The man said that he was a very safe driver and felt he was as good as anyone else on the road, despite his disability.

"He had an automatic so did not need to worry about changing gears and said he had put a lot of practice into learning to control the steering wheel with his legs.

"He said he was actually even more careful now with driving than he had been before he lost his arms. He was surprised when we arrested him."


10 Things never to do in China

Ten Things Never to Do in China

This article may save you from certain embarrassment and possibly even outright humiliation one day. It gives you ten important tips on what not to do if you really want to win friends and make a good impression with your Chinese acquaintances. Take these tips to heart.

Never accept a compliment graciously

You may find yourself at a loss for words when you compliment a Chinese host on a wonderful meal, and you get in response, "No, no, the food was really horrible." You hear the same thing when you tell a Chinese parent how smart or handsome his son is — he meets the compliment with a rebuff of "No, he's really stupid" or "He's not good looking at all." These people aren't being nasty . . . just humble and polite. Moral of the story here: Feign humility, even if it kills you! A little less boasting and fewer self-congratulatory remarks go a long way towards scoring cultural sensitivity points with the Chinese.

Never make someone lose face

The worst thing you can possibly do to Chinese acquaintances is publicly humiliate or otherwise embarrass them. Doing so makes them lose face. Don't point out a mistake in front of others or yell at someone.

The good news is that you can actually help someone gain face by complimenting them and giving credit where credit is due. Do this whenever the opportunity arises. Your graciousness is much appreciated.

Never get angry in public

Public displays of anger are frowned upon by the Chinese and are most uncomfortable for them to deal with — especially if the people getting angry are foreign tourists, for example. This goes right along with making someone (usually the Chinese host) lose face, which you should avoid at all costs. The Chinese place a premium on group harmony, so foreigners should try to swallow hard, be polite, and cope privately.

Never address people by their first names first

Chinese people have first and last names like everyone else. However, in China, the last name always comes first. The family (and the collective in general) always takes precedence over the individual. Joe Smith in Minnesota is known as Smith Joe (or the equivalent) in Shanghai. If a man is introduced to you as Lî Míng, you can safely refer to him as Mr. Lî (not Mr. Míng).

Unlike people in the West, the Chinese don't feel very comfortable calling each other by their first names. Only family members and a few close friends ever refer to the man above, for example, as simply "Míng." They may, however, add the prefix lâo (laow; old) or xiâo (shyaow; young) before the family name to show familiarity and closeness. Lâo Lî (Old Lî) may refer to his younger friend as Xiâo Chén (Young Chén).

Never take food with the wrong end of your chopsticks

The next time you gather around a dinner table with a Chinese host, you may discover that serving spoons for the many communal dishes are non-existent. This is because everyone serves themselves (or others) by turning their chopsticks upside down to take food from the main dishes before putting the food on the individual plates.

Never drink alcohol without first offering a toast

Chinese banquets include eight to ten courses of food and plenty of alcohol. Sometimes you drink rice wine, and sometimes you drink industrial strength Máo Tái, known to put a foreigner or two under the table in no time. One way to slow the drinking is to observe Chinese etiquette by always offering a toast to the host or someone else at the table before taking a sip yourself. This not only prevents you from drinking too much too quickly, but also shows your gratitude toward the host and your regard for the other guests. If someone toasts you with a "gân bçi," (gahn bay) however, watch out.

Gân bçi means "bottoms up," and you may be expected to drink the whole drink rather quickly. Don't worry. You can always say "shuí yì" (shway ee; as you wish) in return and take just a little sip instead.

Never let someone else pay the bill without fighting for it

Most Westerners are stunned the first time they witness the many fairly chaotic, noisy scenes at the end of a Chinese restaurant meal. The time to pay the bill has come and everyone is simply doing what they're expected to do — fight to be the one to pay it. The Chinese consider it good manners to vociferously and strenuously attempt to wrest the bill out of the very hands of whoever happens to have it. This may go on, back and forth, for a good few minutes, until someone "wins" and pays the bill. The gesture of being eager and willing to pay is always appreciated.

Never show up empty handed

Gifts are exchanged frequently between the Chinese, and not just on special occasions. If you have dinner in someone's house to meet a prospective business partner or for any other pre-arranged meeting, both parties commonly exchange gifts as small tokens of friendship and good will. Westerners are often surprised at the number of gifts the Chinese hosts give. The general rule of thumb is to bring many little (gender non-specific) gifts when you travel to China. You never know when you'll meet someone who wants to present you with a special memento, so you should arrive with your own as well.

Never accept food, drinks, or gifts without first refusing a few times

No self-respecting guests immediately accept whatever may be offered to them in someone's home. No matter how much they may be eager to accept the food, drink, or gift, proper Chinese etiquette prevents them from doing anything that makes them appear greedy or eager to receive it, so be sure to politely refuse a couple of times.

Never take the first "No, thank you" literally

Chinese people automatically refuse food or drinks several times — even if they really feel hungry or thirsty. Never take the first "No, thank you" literally. Even if they say it once or twice, offer it again. A good guest is supposed to refuse at least once, but a good host is also supposed to make the offer at least twice.


Kamis, 27 November 2008

My new Phone, Available at Radio Shack.

If you like browsing internet with a full HTML browser, but dont want the confusion of a touch screen, then maybe this phone is for you. The iphone is ok, but i really dont want to have to text with a touch screen. The speakers are great for music, theres even a program to sync it whith your itunes collection. One of the downsides is the camera, which looks way too dark and pixelated. The design is flawless and has a cool leather esque texture on the back. Obviously this works with office, word, powerpoint if youre into that. The display is beautiful and bright as fuck. The screen, although smaller than the iphone, has a higher resolution than it. Theres also optional GPS and its compatible with mobile tv clips and theres a music store if you feel like spending money for music (ya me neither). Im going to have to give this phone a B+.

Celebrity: Bobby will Re-Marry Whitney Houston

I must say Whitney is a very lucky lady to have her man back again.A very close friend of Bobby brown has said that, "Bobby Brown is going to re-marry his ex-wife Whitney Houston".Both of them were often seen together on different spots which was a clue that their romance was rekindling although very slow.

Bobby's buddy told: "They're more in love than ever - and Bobby's going to re-marry her." "Bobby wants to make a reality show about their new life - kind of like a Being Bobby Brown PART 2."

We wish them both very best of luck on their reunion and hope this time they don't break up and live a very happy life and love each other more than before.

Technology: Get your Phone Bills paid if you Buy Two Peek Handhelds

November is not over yet.You all still have a chance to pay up your phone bills for the month instant.Yeah it's true because getpeek.com is giving you this offer.

There is a saying: The longer you wait, the sweeter is your fruit, and that means the more time you give or have patience,the result is surely going to be satisfactory and better.Just like that the longer you wait, the better the deals for the Peek email-on-the-go handheld get.At first an offer with a price drop of $80 was there and then unlimited texting and now the company is offering you to pay your whole November iPhone or G1 bills( upto &150) if you buy two peeks, one for your friend and one for you, before Monday, 1st December at getpeek.com. It means those of you with sky-high phone bills can still go for the offer and get your bills paid easily.