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Jumat, 31 Desember 2010
Bollywood Star : 2011 Bollywood Star Wallpapers, Bollywood Star Actress & Actors Photo
Godzilla Star-Power In Ginza
by Armand Vaquer
Source: Clawmark Toys
Above, past Toho Godzilla stars join Tom and Diane Dougherty at the Godzilla Fan Club's event in Ginza. Left to right: Kenji Sahara, Hiroshi Koizumi, Diane, Tom and Akira Takarada. Photo courtesy of Clawmark Toys.
The Santa & Mrs. Claus of Japan, Tom & Diane Dougherty, attended a Godzilla Fan Club event on Christmas Day that was held in Ginza, Tokyo. The event was held in a building across Ginza Crossing from the Wako Department Store.
Says Tom Dougherty:
Above, with Godzilla in the foreground, the Wako Department Store clock tower can be seen from the party room's window. Photo courtesy of Clawmark Toys.
Source: Clawmark Toys
Above, past Toho Godzilla stars join Tom and Diane Dougherty at the Godzilla Fan Club's event in Ginza. Left to right: Kenji Sahara, Hiroshi Koizumi, Diane, Tom and Akira Takarada. Photo courtesy of Clawmark Toys.
The Santa & Mrs. Claus of Japan, Tom & Diane Dougherty, attended a Godzilla Fan Club event on Christmas Day that was held in Ginza, Tokyo. The event was held in a building across Ginza Crossing from the Wako Department Store.
Says Tom Dougherty:
We were lucky enough to get invited to a Godzilla Fan Club function on Christmas day. Check out our site for the full story and all the photos.
Lots of Godzilla star power. The event was held right across from the Wako Dept. Store (how fitting). I am attaching a couple of photos you might enjoy. Anyway check our site under "Monster Happenings In Tokyo."
Above, with Godzilla in the foreground, the Wako Department Store clock tower can be seen from the party room's window. Photo courtesy of Clawmark Toys.
Clawmark Toys,
Wako Dept. Store
A Look Around Godzilla's Old Stomping Ground
by Armand Vaquer
The print edition of The Daily Yomiuri article, "A Look Around Godzilla's Old Stomping Ground" showed up (faster than I expected) in the mailbox today.
I scanned the article and here it is below (click on image to view larger):
The interview for the article and photo were done on December 7th in Hibiya and published in the December 24 edition.
In case you haven't read the article or the image isn't clear enough, here's the full text:
A look around Godzilla's old stomping ground
The print edition of The Daily Yomiuri article, "A Look Around Godzilla's Old Stomping Ground" showed up (faster than I expected) in the mailbox today.
I scanned the article and here it is below (click on image to view larger):
The interview for the article and photo were done on December 7th in Hibiya and published in the December 24 edition.
In case you haven't read the article or the image isn't clear enough, here's the full text:
A look around Godzilla's old stomping ground
Tom Baker / Daily Yomiuri Staff Writer
Godzilla was the embodiment of war in his eponymous 1954 debut film, but he saved the Earth from ecological doom in Godzilla vs the Smog Monster in 1971. The giant reptilian monster has meant many things to many people.
But did you ever imagine him as a tourist? According to The Monster Movie Fan's Guide to Japan (51 pp, 15 dollars, available via, Godzilla has ranged as far north as Sapporo, where he destroyed the TV Tower in one of his many films, and as far south as the Sakurajima volcano in Kyushu, near which he came ashore in another.
One place he hasn't visited is New York. Or perhaps that point is arguable. Armand Vaquer, the guidebook's author, told The Daily Yomiuri in a recent interview that devoted fans refer to the 1998 U.S. film in which Godzilla took a bite of the Big Apple as GINO ("Godzilla In Name Only").
For fans devoted enough to make a pilgrimage to Japan, Vaquer's book will tell them where to find landmarks associated not only with Godzilla, but also with his titanic terrapin counterpart, Gamera.
Some of the practical information in the book is a bit dated. For instance, it has been a few years since a plane-to-terminal bus ride was a routine part of arriving at Narita Airport.
However, most travelers are likely to rely on more conventional guidebooks for such details, using this one for it specialized insights. Those begin at the airport, too, about which Vaquer writes: "Interestingly, a video of the procedures at the Immigration desk features G-FEST XIV [monster fan convention] guest and Godzilla actress Shelley Sweeney. So at least you will be able to see a familiar, friendly face."
Vaquer's devotion to his subject shines through in his book and also in person, but it is not uncritical devotion. In the entry on the Seto Ohashi bridge, which connects Okayama and Kagawa prefectures, he writes, "In Godzilla vs King Ghidora (1991) King Ghidora blasts the bridge (in a not-too-convincing effect) during a fly-by."
A more positively memorable scene involved what Vaquer described in the interview as a cake-shaped cinema that stood on the site of the present-day Yurakucho Mullion building in Tokyo.
"That was in the 1954 Godzilla, where Godzilla steps on the train tracks, and the power surging through him causes his tail to whip about, and it smashes into the building. The inside joke there is that the patrons that were seeing the movie in that actual theater got to see the tail just hit the building they're sitting in watching it," he said.
In another part of town, the Diet Building has suffered abuse in several films, by Godzilla, Mechagodzilla, Mothra and King Kong, which must have been a cathartic experience for at least some members of the audience each time.
The book includes a page about the Daigo Fukuryu Maru Exhibition Hall in Koto Ward, Tokyo, which houses the Japanese fishing boat whose 1954 irradiation by fallout from a U.S. hydrogen bomb test was a real-life reference point for the original Godzilla film.
For monster movie fans, a stop at this spot will mark a solemn pause in an otherwise lighthearted journey.
Salah satu pertanyaan dari para profesional yang paling sering mampir ke saya adalah yang seperti ini: Bagaimana sih cara menulis buku yang mudah itu? Memang, saya termasuk salah satu penulis yang paling demen memprovokasi kalangan tersebut supaya menulis buku. Bukan cuma menulis buku biasa, tapi menulis buku bestseller, lho! Sekalipun itu baru pengalaman menulis buku yang pertama, saya tetap menegaskan, “Beranilah bermimpi menjadi penulis buku bestseller!”
Sementara lupakan saja soal definisi bestseller. Yang penting, cita-citakan dulu buku kita akan laris di pasaran, lalu beranikan mental, niatkan segera, dan mulai sekarang juga dengan menulis apa pun yang menggoda kita untuk menulis. Sengaja saya dorong-dorong supaya para profesional itu berani menggagas buku bestseller. Mengapa? Ya, supaya semangatlah menulisnya. Kalau menulis tanpa semangat, jangan harap ada roh semangat pula dalam karya kita. Kalau hasil tulisan tidak memiliki roh atau gereget tertentu, mana ada orang yang mau beli dan membacanya, kan?
Balik lagi ke soal bagaimana cara menulis buku yang mudah, saya pun berani menyatakan bahwa menulis buku bestseller itu mudah. Sampai-sampai saya bersama Andrias Harefa (penulis 30 buku laris) mengadakan workshop berjudul “Cara Gampang Menulis Buku Bestseller”, yang pada Agustus 2008 nanti memasuki Angkatan Ke-5. Nah, bagaimana kesan para peserta workshop tersebut? Umumnya mereka sadar dan menjadi yakin, ternyata menulis buku bestseller itu memang mudah. Bagaimana itu? Saya akan kupas beberapa di antaranya dalam artikel ini.
Pertama, kalau mau menulis buku bestseller, cobalah yakin sejak awal bahwa kita semua berpeluang dan mampu melakukan hal tersebut. Penulis senior atau bahkan penulis pemula sekalipun, semuanya punya peluang yang sama untuk menggebrak pasar. Kalau sudah punya keyakinan, cobalah terus memeliharanya, lalu tambahkan dengan semangat yang sungguh-sungguh dialirkan dalam setiap langkah penulisan nantinya.
Kedua, miliki perspektif menulis buku itu mudah, yaitu sekadar aktivitas merangkai huruf, kata, kalimat, paragraf, dan tulisan. Caranya, pandanglah buku itu hanya sebagai kumpulan bab atau tulisan pendek. Sementara, bab atau tulisan pendek itu sendiri hanyalah kumpulan dari paragraf (alinea), paragraf itu sendiri hanya kumpulan dari beberapa kalimat, kalimat hanya kumpulan dari beberapa kata, dan kata hanyalah kumpulan dari beberapa huruf.
Jadi, kalau kita bisa merangkai huruf menjadi kata, merangkai kata-kata menjadi kalimat, kemudian membuat kalimat-kalimat tersebut menjadi paragraf, lalu bisa merangkai sejumlah paragraf menjadi sebuah tulisan, dan terakhir menulis beberapa artikel atau tulisan pendek, ya jadilah buku itu. Sesederhana itulah! Makanya, jangan punya persepsi menulis buku itu sulit.
Ketiga, pilih tema yang pas dengan mempelajari sejarah sekaligus tren tema-tema buku bestseller. Menyangkut sejarah buku bestseller, pasti akan kita temukan tema-tema betseller yang bisa berulang. Sementara soal tren, pasti efek tarikan atas buku betseller yang sedang bergaung. Artinya, kalau ada tema buku bestseller sedang moncer di pasaran, tak menutup kemungkinan tema yang sama juga lagi digemari dan dicari. Jadi, ini peluang bagi penulis-penulis lain yang tajam penciumannya atas selera dan tren pasar.
Keempat, setelah berhasil memilih tema, buatlah outline atau kerangka tulisan. Untuk apa? Untuk mempercepat proses penulisan dan menata supaya tulisan tidak melebar ke mana-mana. Outline bisa dibuat berdasarkan cara atau gaya penulisan kita. Ada yang mampu menulis dengan baik kalau didasari oleh outline yang detail, tapi ada yang lebih efektif dengan outline sederhana. Apa pun pilihannya, efektivitas penulisan tetap menjadi pertimbangan utama. Makanya, bagi yang merasa bisa menulis dengan lebih baik dan cepat tanpa outline, ya abaikan saja outline ini.
Kelima, pilih teknik penulisan buku yang paling efektif dan efisien. Maksudnya? Pilih teknik penulisan yang paling cocok buat kita, paling membuat kita bersemangat, paling mudah dilakukan, dan tentu saja efisien secara waktu. Soal teknik ini menjadi krusial sifatnya bila kita sedang mengejar atau mengikuti tren buku tertentu. Contoh, penulisan buku berbasiskan teknik wawancara, teknik menulis cepat, dan teknik kompilasi artikel/tulisan pendek adalah teknik yang paling cocok untuk menyasar tren buku bestseller.
Keenam, kuasai teknik menulis cepat. Teknik ini didasarkan pada prinsip bahwa ide-ide dasar dan yang paling orisinal harus segera dituliskan supaya tidak menguap. Yang terpenting adalah menuliskan gagasan ketika kita sedang dalam kondisi dibanjiri oleh ide. Soal pengayaan isi dan penyuntingan bisa dilakukan pada tahapan berikutnya. Contoh aplikasi teknik ini adalah; sekali duduk atau menulis, selesailah satu tulisan (artikel) atau bab. Sekali menguasai teknik menulis cepat, masalah penundaan dan kemacetan bisa lebih mudah dihindari atau diatasi.
Ketujuh, alirkan gairah, semangat, visi, dan misi dalam setiap tulisan kita. Salah satu rahasia keberhasilan buku-buku bestseller adalah pada kemampuannya dalam “berbicara” atau menjalin hubungan emosional dengan para pembacanya. Buku yang mengesankan adalah buku yang mampu memengaruhi dan menggerakkan pembacanya dalam beragam cara.
Bagaimana caranya? Ya, selain bisa mengungkapkan pikiran-pikiran atau ide-idenya, penulis harus mampu mentransfer antusiasme, keyakinan, visi-visi, dan kejujurannya kepada pembaca. Kalau sudah begini, tanpa disuruh pun akan ada banyak pembaca yang merekomendasikan buku kita nantinya.
Kedelapan, kuasai teknik pengayaan dan penyuntingan naskah, serta sediakan waktu yang cukup untuk mengolah naskah kita. Naskah yang ditulis dengan cepat biasanya bolong di sana-sini. Pada tahap penyuntingan dan pengayaan inilah kita harus bisa mengerjakan PR kita; mengecek kembali sistematika tulisan, judul bab dan subbab, mengecek ketepatan teori dan pendekatan, kelengkapan data maupun variasi contoh kasus, pengembangan gaya bahasa populer, termasuk soal tata bahasa, dll. Pada tahap ini pula kita berkesempatan untuk meneliti dan merasakan ulang apakah naskah kita sudah cukup “berbicara” kepada calon pembaca nantinya.
Kesembilan, pilih judul yang paling pas. Bila perlu, adakan survei dengan menyodorkan sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh nomine judul. Saya yakin, ada beberapa judul yang benar-benar memiliki efek sugestif kepada para calon pembacanya. Silakan pelajari daftar buku laris versi koran-koran atau majalah, pasti mudah ditemukan judul-judul sejenis itu.
Memang judul bukan faktor yang paling menentukan, tetapi tetap saja, judul yang pas akan menjadi iklan utama bagi sebuah buku. Buku, sama halnya dengan produk lainnya, sekalipun bagus isi/kualitasnya bisa saja tidak dilirik konsumen karena iklan atau judulnya tidak memberikan impresi/kesan kesan yang bagus.
Kesepuluh, bekerjasamalah dengan editor atau penerbit. Setelah berusaha memaksimalkan semua potensi karyanya, setiap penulis harus bekerjasama dengan editor atau penerbit supaya potensi bestseller naskahnya semakin maksimal. Para editor dan penerbit berpengalaman biasanya memiliki data, informasi, atau pengalaman dalam mengolah naskah menjadi buku bestseller. Di sinilah peran mereka dalam men-dandani naskah kita supaya memiliki format, tampilan, atau kemasan yang menjual. Kadang mereka membutuhkan ide-ide orisinal kita, kadang justru kitalah yang harus berkompromi dengan strategi mereka. Semuanya butuh kerjasama demi hasil maksimal dan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.
Nah, apakah dengan menjalankan langkah-langkah di atas dipastikan bisa menghasilkan buku bestseller? Saya katakan tidak ada jaminan. Kadang berhasil, kadang juga tidak. Masih banyak variabel yang memengaruhi dan menentukan. Tetapi kepada setiap penulis saya selalu katakan, itulah area atau variabel yang bisa kita kontrol dan maksimalkan potensinya. Setelahnya hanyalah hasil interaksi di pasar.
Namun, saya berani pastikan, menulis buku dengan cara atau strategi seperti di atas sanggup memberikan pengalaman yang sangat menggairahkan. Saya, sejumlah penulis dan penerbit, serta para klien saya, merasakan betul manfaatnya. Selamat menulis buku bestseller
Sementara lupakan saja soal definisi bestseller. Yang penting, cita-citakan dulu buku kita akan laris di pasaran, lalu beranikan mental, niatkan segera, dan mulai sekarang juga dengan menulis apa pun yang menggoda kita untuk menulis. Sengaja saya dorong-dorong supaya para profesional itu berani menggagas buku bestseller. Mengapa? Ya, supaya semangatlah menulisnya. Kalau menulis tanpa semangat, jangan harap ada roh semangat pula dalam karya kita. Kalau hasil tulisan tidak memiliki roh atau gereget tertentu, mana ada orang yang mau beli dan membacanya, kan?
Balik lagi ke soal bagaimana cara menulis buku yang mudah, saya pun berani menyatakan bahwa menulis buku bestseller itu mudah. Sampai-sampai saya bersama Andrias Harefa (penulis 30 buku laris) mengadakan workshop berjudul “Cara Gampang Menulis Buku Bestseller”, yang pada Agustus 2008 nanti memasuki Angkatan Ke-5. Nah, bagaimana kesan para peserta workshop tersebut? Umumnya mereka sadar dan menjadi yakin, ternyata menulis buku bestseller itu memang mudah. Bagaimana itu? Saya akan kupas beberapa di antaranya dalam artikel ini.
Pertama, kalau mau menulis buku bestseller, cobalah yakin sejak awal bahwa kita semua berpeluang dan mampu melakukan hal tersebut. Penulis senior atau bahkan penulis pemula sekalipun, semuanya punya peluang yang sama untuk menggebrak pasar. Kalau sudah punya keyakinan, cobalah terus memeliharanya, lalu tambahkan dengan semangat yang sungguh-sungguh dialirkan dalam setiap langkah penulisan nantinya.
Kedua, miliki perspektif menulis buku itu mudah, yaitu sekadar aktivitas merangkai huruf, kata, kalimat, paragraf, dan tulisan. Caranya, pandanglah buku itu hanya sebagai kumpulan bab atau tulisan pendek. Sementara, bab atau tulisan pendek itu sendiri hanyalah kumpulan dari paragraf (alinea), paragraf itu sendiri hanya kumpulan dari beberapa kalimat, kalimat hanya kumpulan dari beberapa kata, dan kata hanyalah kumpulan dari beberapa huruf.
Jadi, kalau kita bisa merangkai huruf menjadi kata, merangkai kata-kata menjadi kalimat, kemudian membuat kalimat-kalimat tersebut menjadi paragraf, lalu bisa merangkai sejumlah paragraf menjadi sebuah tulisan, dan terakhir menulis beberapa artikel atau tulisan pendek, ya jadilah buku itu. Sesederhana itulah! Makanya, jangan punya persepsi menulis buku itu sulit.
Ketiga, pilih tema yang pas dengan mempelajari sejarah sekaligus tren tema-tema buku bestseller. Menyangkut sejarah buku bestseller, pasti akan kita temukan tema-tema betseller yang bisa berulang. Sementara soal tren, pasti efek tarikan atas buku betseller yang sedang bergaung. Artinya, kalau ada tema buku bestseller sedang moncer di pasaran, tak menutup kemungkinan tema yang sama juga lagi digemari dan dicari. Jadi, ini peluang bagi penulis-penulis lain yang tajam penciumannya atas selera dan tren pasar.
Keempat, setelah berhasil memilih tema, buatlah outline atau kerangka tulisan. Untuk apa? Untuk mempercepat proses penulisan dan menata supaya tulisan tidak melebar ke mana-mana. Outline bisa dibuat berdasarkan cara atau gaya penulisan kita. Ada yang mampu menulis dengan baik kalau didasari oleh outline yang detail, tapi ada yang lebih efektif dengan outline sederhana. Apa pun pilihannya, efektivitas penulisan tetap menjadi pertimbangan utama. Makanya, bagi yang merasa bisa menulis dengan lebih baik dan cepat tanpa outline, ya abaikan saja outline ini.
Kelima, pilih teknik penulisan buku yang paling efektif dan efisien. Maksudnya? Pilih teknik penulisan yang paling cocok buat kita, paling membuat kita bersemangat, paling mudah dilakukan, dan tentu saja efisien secara waktu. Soal teknik ini menjadi krusial sifatnya bila kita sedang mengejar atau mengikuti tren buku tertentu. Contoh, penulisan buku berbasiskan teknik wawancara, teknik menulis cepat, dan teknik kompilasi artikel/tulisan pendek adalah teknik yang paling cocok untuk menyasar tren buku bestseller.
Keenam, kuasai teknik menulis cepat. Teknik ini didasarkan pada prinsip bahwa ide-ide dasar dan yang paling orisinal harus segera dituliskan supaya tidak menguap. Yang terpenting adalah menuliskan gagasan ketika kita sedang dalam kondisi dibanjiri oleh ide. Soal pengayaan isi dan penyuntingan bisa dilakukan pada tahapan berikutnya. Contoh aplikasi teknik ini adalah; sekali duduk atau menulis, selesailah satu tulisan (artikel) atau bab. Sekali menguasai teknik menulis cepat, masalah penundaan dan kemacetan bisa lebih mudah dihindari atau diatasi.
Ketujuh, alirkan gairah, semangat, visi, dan misi dalam setiap tulisan kita. Salah satu rahasia keberhasilan buku-buku bestseller adalah pada kemampuannya dalam “berbicara” atau menjalin hubungan emosional dengan para pembacanya. Buku yang mengesankan adalah buku yang mampu memengaruhi dan menggerakkan pembacanya dalam beragam cara.
Bagaimana caranya? Ya, selain bisa mengungkapkan pikiran-pikiran atau ide-idenya, penulis harus mampu mentransfer antusiasme, keyakinan, visi-visi, dan kejujurannya kepada pembaca. Kalau sudah begini, tanpa disuruh pun akan ada banyak pembaca yang merekomendasikan buku kita nantinya.
Kedelapan, kuasai teknik pengayaan dan penyuntingan naskah, serta sediakan waktu yang cukup untuk mengolah naskah kita. Naskah yang ditulis dengan cepat biasanya bolong di sana-sini. Pada tahap penyuntingan dan pengayaan inilah kita harus bisa mengerjakan PR kita; mengecek kembali sistematika tulisan, judul bab dan subbab, mengecek ketepatan teori dan pendekatan, kelengkapan data maupun variasi contoh kasus, pengembangan gaya bahasa populer, termasuk soal tata bahasa, dll. Pada tahap ini pula kita berkesempatan untuk meneliti dan merasakan ulang apakah naskah kita sudah cukup “berbicara” kepada calon pembaca nantinya.
Kesembilan, pilih judul yang paling pas. Bila perlu, adakan survei dengan menyodorkan sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh nomine judul. Saya yakin, ada beberapa judul yang benar-benar memiliki efek sugestif kepada para calon pembacanya. Silakan pelajari daftar buku laris versi koran-koran atau majalah, pasti mudah ditemukan judul-judul sejenis itu.
Memang judul bukan faktor yang paling menentukan, tetapi tetap saja, judul yang pas akan menjadi iklan utama bagi sebuah buku. Buku, sama halnya dengan produk lainnya, sekalipun bagus isi/kualitasnya bisa saja tidak dilirik konsumen karena iklan atau judulnya tidak memberikan impresi/kesan kesan yang bagus.
Kesepuluh, bekerjasamalah dengan editor atau penerbit. Setelah berusaha memaksimalkan semua potensi karyanya, setiap penulis harus bekerjasama dengan editor atau penerbit supaya potensi bestseller naskahnya semakin maksimal. Para editor dan penerbit berpengalaman biasanya memiliki data, informasi, atau pengalaman dalam mengolah naskah menjadi buku bestseller. Di sinilah peran mereka dalam men-dandani naskah kita supaya memiliki format, tampilan, atau kemasan yang menjual. Kadang mereka membutuhkan ide-ide orisinal kita, kadang justru kitalah yang harus berkompromi dengan strategi mereka. Semuanya butuh kerjasama demi hasil maksimal dan menguntungkan kedua belah pihak.
Nah, apakah dengan menjalankan langkah-langkah di atas dipastikan bisa menghasilkan buku bestseller? Saya katakan tidak ada jaminan. Kadang berhasil, kadang juga tidak. Masih banyak variabel yang memengaruhi dan menentukan. Tetapi kepada setiap penulis saya selalu katakan, itulah area atau variabel yang bisa kita kontrol dan maksimalkan potensinya. Setelahnya hanyalah hasil interaksi di pasar.
Namun, saya berani pastikan, menulis buku dengan cara atau strategi seperti di atas sanggup memberikan pengalaman yang sangat menggairahkan. Saya, sejumlah penulis dan penerbit, serta para klien saya, merasakan betul manfaatnya. Selamat menulis buku bestseller
The Top Monster / Sci Fi Stories Of 2010
Compiled By: Ken Hulsey
Here we are with 2011 about to begin within the next few hours, so I thought this would be the perfect time to post about the top stories published during 2010 here at MIN.
How do I know what are the top stories of the year are? Well, I am a control freak, so I constantly keep track of the number of hits that each article gets. Based on those hits, here are the stories that got the most visits and were linked to by the most "outside" news sources and web sites.
If you are a fan of giant monster movies, either with or without 80s pop stars in them, namely "Godzilla", then 2010 was your year. Fans all over the world went loco when Legendary pictures announced that they were going to produce a brand-new "G" film in 2012. Also the numerous monster epics produced by The Asylum for the SyFy channel were very popular.
The top story, however, did not involve a giant lizard, but a group of popular paranormal investigators, who have their own TV show, that manged to walk through the busy hallways of Comic Con undetected.
Here is this years top stories:
10. Long Lost Print Of KING KONG Discovered In London Cinema
It seems that a rare print of the 1933 classic film "King Kong" has turned up in a rather unlikely place, buried in the wall of a London cinema.
During recent renovations to the Grosvenor Cinema, a worker named Ross McMillan was working on knocking down a partition wall in the projection room when he noticed something odd looking in the rubble. To his amazement he discovered that it was a copy of "King Kong." Not just any copy, mind you, a copy that has been missing from the vaults of RKO for more than seventy years. An original print, that may very well contain scenes cut out of the film, including the long-lost Lizard and Spider canyon sequences.
9. Godzilla 3-D, Godzilla 2012, Rumors And Misinformation Abound
It seems that I may have been duped? Earlier today I posted an article about the possible hiring of Keith Melton as the director of Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros upcoming "Godzilla" movie.
Now, that I have had time to do some research, it seems that this report was in error......or was it? Frankly, I'm not sure, there seems to be some confusion.
Now, first off, my source for the Melton hiring, was IMDB, which I have learned from fans, is about as reliable a source for movie info as a drunk at a party.
8. "Xena" The Movie? Lawless Still Wants To Resurrect The 'Warrior Princess'
Back in 2008 actress Lucy Lawless made it public that she wanted to reprise the role that made her a fanboy....and fangirl....favorite, that of "Xena, The Warrior Princess."
Well her we are almost two years later, and Lawless is echoing the same desire to strap on the leather again. This time, however, the New Zealander doesn't think that reviving the series is the answer. No, Lawless thinks that it is time for a "Xena" movie.
The actress recently told reporters, "I love that character. I would do it if it was a movie. I doubt I would do it as a TV series. I can't see how you would make it fresh."
Just like before, Lawless understands that she isn't getting any younger, and the time may be now to get the ball rolling on any "Xena" related projects.
7. The First Look At Roger Corman's 'Dinoshark'
Isn't it wonderful that giant mutant monsters are popular again. After J.J. Abrams unleashed his giant monster movie, "Cloverfield", in theaters two years ago, there has been a non-stop parade of independent features where the motto, "bigger is better", has really been taken seriously.
Last year, The Asylum, made a huge media splash with their film "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus". The film featured former 80s pop sensation, Debbie Gibson, playing second fiddle to a titanic shark and an equally gigantic octopus. Likewise, films of the same vein like, "Dinocroc vs. Supergator", "Megaconda," and even The Asylum's follow-up to "Mega Shark", called "Megapiranha", were all rushed into production by the end of 2009.
Now it seems that the king of B movie monsters, Roger Corman, was feeling a little left-out by all of this, so he has developed his own giant monster film for the SyFy Channel called, "Dinoshark."
Lets see....Megaconda....Dinocrock.....Mega Shark........Dinoshark. Makes perfect sense in the grand scheme of things, doesn't it?
6. New Legendary Pictures GODZILLA Design To Be Revealed At Comic Con!
Many things can be determined from looking at this really cool artwork, the most important of which is the fact that the studio is going to go with the 'classic' Japanese Godzilla look, instead of trying to reinvent the monster like Tristar tried to do back in 1998.
That should put a lot of the fears expressed by the fan base to rest.
It is obvious from this that Legendary is taking this project very seriously and like in the very first Godzilla film (Gojira 1954) the monster will be 'true' bringer of mass destruction.
Which means plenty of city stomping action that should make all of us Godzilla movie fans very, very happy.
Am I reading too much from just a simple t-shirt image. Possibly, but at least you can gauge the 'general' idea of where Legendary Pictures is intending to go with this.
"Old School"
5. Gemma Arterton To Replace Sigourney Weaver In New ALIEN 3D?
Ever since Sigourney Weaver turned down a chance to reprise the role of Ripley in Ridley Scott's upcoming "Alien 3D" prequel, the film maker has been searching for a strong, yet beautiful, woman to take on H.R. Giger's most famous creation.
There have been plenty of names floating around, but none of them seemed to be in any serious contention for the lead role in the film, that is, until now.
Though her publicists were trying to deny it like mad, "Prince Of Persia" star Gemma Arterton has come forward publicly to announce that she has the inside track to land the coveted role. At the Toronto International Film Festival this past weekend, where Arterton was in attendance promoting her new film "Tamara Drewe" the actress let it slip that, "The honest truth is that Ridley Scott has approached me to meet with him about something in the next few weeks."
4. Zack Snyder To Helm New Superman Movie
While the last Superman movie, Superman Returns, had spectacular special effects and it made over $200 million, it is considered a flop as it failed to re-start the franchise.
It is rumored that the movie is to feature the Kryptonian villain, General Zod. Right now, Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers are being tight-lipped.
But who will play the Man of Steel? Whomever it is, he has to look like Superman, not Superboy. And ditch that last costume design!
3. Jurassic Park 4 Has Risen From The Grave..And So Has 5 & 6?
Back in 2008, immediately after the death of Jurassic Park author writer Michael Crichton, Universal and producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy announced that they had decided to abandon any hopes of producing a fourth film.
That was two years ago, it it seems that everyone involved has gotten over mourning the loss of Crichton and are now ready to go forward with "Jurassic Park 4", plus "5" and "6", for that matter.
"Jurassic Park 3" director Joe Johnston has now come forward and announced that Universal is ready to launch a brand new trilogy that will be a whole new bread of cat.
"There is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it's going to be unlike anything you've seen. It breaks away from the first three - it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way.
"If you think of the first three as a trilogy, number four would be the beginning of a second trilogy. We just want to make them justified in their own right. We don't want to make sequel after sequel just because there's a market for it. We want to tell different, interesting stories."
The last time anyone heard about "Jurassic Park 4", was way back in August of 2007. At that time, Laura Dern had been reportedly cast to reprise her role as Ellie Sattler from the first film.
2. It's Official! A New Godzilla Movie Is Coming In 2012!
Rumors that Legendary Pictures were in the process of making a new, American, "Godzilla" film first surfaced last August, and now they have been officially confirmed.
Yes, my friends, the studio has just announced that they have struck a deal with the famed Toho studios in Japan to produce a brand-new "Godzilla" movie, which will be released through Warner Bros in 2012.
According to the deal, Warner Bros will co-produce the film, and pony up some of the cash for it, while Toho will release the film in Japan.
There isn't a director yet, but the studio has announced that Dan Lin, Roy Lee Brian Rogers, Yoshimitsu Banno, Kenji Okuhira and Doug Davison will all serve as producers.
Thomas Tull, Chairman and CEO of Legendary Pictures, commented, "Godzilla is one of the world's most powerful pop culture icons, and we at Legendary are thrilled to be able to create a modern epic based on this long-loved Toho franchise. Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has."
Sources close to the deal note that it will be similar in scope to other Warner/Legendary films, co-productions, such as "The Dark Knight" and "300".
1. GHOST ADVENTURES - Zak Bagans, Nick Grof And Aaron Goodwin At Comic Con 2010
Like I mentioned in my previous article, my experience at Comic Con was a little 'different' than that of the 'typical' fan. Instead of lusting after the 'trendy' movies and shows, my family and I were excited about a lot of things that weren't so mainstream.
One of these was the television series, "Ghost Adventures", and my wife April, son Christopher and I were really looking forward to meeting the shows stars Zak Bagans, Nick Grof and Aaron Goodwin at an autograph signing later in the afternoon.
As luck would have it, the very same people, Zak, Nick and Aaron,that we so strongly wanted to see, arrived at the convention at the exact same time that we did. Amazingly, they were just milling around in the area adjacent to the check-in and autograph areas. To our delite, we were able to snap a few photos and talk to Aaron for a few seconds. My wife was very happy to have told him that 'he was the shit!'
To our surprise, no one else even recognised them.
Here we are with 2011 about to begin within the next few hours, so I thought this would be the perfect time to post about the top stories published during 2010 here at MIN.
How do I know what are the top stories of the year are? Well, I am a control freak, so I constantly keep track of the number of hits that each article gets. Based on those hits, here are the stories that got the most visits and were linked to by the most "outside" news sources and web sites.
If you are a fan of giant monster movies, either with or without 80s pop stars in them, namely "Godzilla", then 2010 was your year. Fans all over the world went loco when Legendary pictures announced that they were going to produce a brand-new "G" film in 2012. Also the numerous monster epics produced by The Asylum for the SyFy channel were very popular.
The top story, however, did not involve a giant lizard, but a group of popular paranormal investigators, who have their own TV show, that manged to walk through the busy hallways of Comic Con undetected.
Here is this years top stories:
10. Long Lost Print Of KING KONG Discovered In London Cinema
It seems that a rare print of the 1933 classic film "King Kong" has turned up in a rather unlikely place, buried in the wall of a London cinema.
During recent renovations to the Grosvenor Cinema, a worker named Ross McMillan was working on knocking down a partition wall in the projection room when he noticed something odd looking in the rubble. To his amazement he discovered that it was a copy of "King Kong." Not just any copy, mind you, a copy that has been missing from the vaults of RKO for more than seventy years. An original print, that may very well contain scenes cut out of the film, including the long-lost Lizard and Spider canyon sequences.
9. Godzilla 3-D, Godzilla 2012, Rumors And Misinformation Abound
It seems that I may have been duped? Earlier today I posted an article about the possible hiring of Keith Melton as the director of Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros upcoming "Godzilla" movie.
Now, that I have had time to do some research, it seems that this report was in error......or was it? Frankly, I'm not sure, there seems to be some confusion.
Now, first off, my source for the Melton hiring, was IMDB, which I have learned from fans, is about as reliable a source for movie info as a drunk at a party.
8. "Xena" The Movie? Lawless Still Wants To Resurrect The 'Warrior Princess'
Back in 2008 actress Lucy Lawless made it public that she wanted to reprise the role that made her a fanboy....and fangirl....favorite, that of "Xena, The Warrior Princess."
Well her we are almost two years later, and Lawless is echoing the same desire to strap on the leather again. This time, however, the New Zealander doesn't think that reviving the series is the answer. No, Lawless thinks that it is time for a "Xena" movie.
The actress recently told reporters, "I love that character. I would do it if it was a movie. I doubt I would do it as a TV series. I can't see how you would make it fresh."
Just like before, Lawless understands that she isn't getting any younger, and the time may be now to get the ball rolling on any "Xena" related projects.
7. The First Look At Roger Corman's 'Dinoshark'
Isn't it wonderful that giant mutant monsters are popular again. After J.J. Abrams unleashed his giant monster movie, "Cloverfield", in theaters two years ago, there has been a non-stop parade of independent features where the motto, "bigger is better", has really been taken seriously.
Last year, The Asylum, made a huge media splash with their film "Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus". The film featured former 80s pop sensation, Debbie Gibson, playing second fiddle to a titanic shark and an equally gigantic octopus. Likewise, films of the same vein like, "Dinocroc vs. Supergator", "Megaconda," and even The Asylum's follow-up to "Mega Shark", called "Megapiranha", were all rushed into production by the end of 2009.
Now it seems that the king of B movie monsters, Roger Corman, was feeling a little left-out by all of this, so he has developed his own giant monster film for the SyFy Channel called, "Dinoshark."
Lets see....Megaconda....Dinocrock.....Mega Shark........Dinoshark. Makes perfect sense in the grand scheme of things, doesn't it?
6. New Legendary Pictures GODZILLA Design To Be Revealed At Comic Con!
Many things can be determined from looking at this really cool artwork, the most important of which is the fact that the studio is going to go with the 'classic' Japanese Godzilla look, instead of trying to reinvent the monster like Tristar tried to do back in 1998.
That should put a lot of the fears expressed by the fan base to rest.
It is obvious from this that Legendary is taking this project very seriously and like in the very first Godzilla film (Gojira 1954) the monster will be 'true' bringer of mass destruction.
Which means plenty of city stomping action that should make all of us Godzilla movie fans very, very happy.
Am I reading too much from just a simple t-shirt image. Possibly, but at least you can gauge the 'general' idea of where Legendary Pictures is intending to go with this.
"Old School"
5. Gemma Arterton To Replace Sigourney Weaver In New ALIEN 3D?
Ever since Sigourney Weaver turned down a chance to reprise the role of Ripley in Ridley Scott's upcoming "Alien 3D" prequel, the film maker has been searching for a strong, yet beautiful, woman to take on H.R. Giger's most famous creation.
There have been plenty of names floating around, but none of them seemed to be in any serious contention for the lead role in the film, that is, until now.
Though her publicists were trying to deny it like mad, "Prince Of Persia" star Gemma Arterton has come forward publicly to announce that she has the inside track to land the coveted role. At the Toronto International Film Festival this past weekend, where Arterton was in attendance promoting her new film "Tamara Drewe" the actress let it slip that, "The honest truth is that Ridley Scott has approached me to meet with him about something in the next few weeks."
4. Zack Snyder To Helm New Superman Movie
While the last Superman movie, Superman Returns, had spectacular special effects and it made over $200 million, it is considered a flop as it failed to re-start the franchise.
It is rumored that the movie is to feature the Kryptonian villain, General Zod. Right now, Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers are being tight-lipped.
But who will play the Man of Steel? Whomever it is, he has to look like Superman, not Superboy. And ditch that last costume design!
3. Jurassic Park 4 Has Risen From The Grave..And So Has 5 & 6?
Back in 2008, immediately after the death of Jurassic Park author writer Michael Crichton, Universal and producers Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy announced that they had decided to abandon any hopes of producing a fourth film.
That was two years ago, it it seems that everyone involved has gotten over mourning the loss of Crichton and are now ready to go forward with "Jurassic Park 4", plus "5" and "6", for that matter.
"Jurassic Park 3" director Joe Johnston has now come forward and announced that Universal is ready to launch a brand new trilogy that will be a whole new bread of cat.
"There is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it's going to be unlike anything you've seen. It breaks away from the first three - it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way.
"If you think of the first three as a trilogy, number four would be the beginning of a second trilogy. We just want to make them justified in their own right. We don't want to make sequel after sequel just because there's a market for it. We want to tell different, interesting stories."
The last time anyone heard about "Jurassic Park 4", was way back in August of 2007. At that time, Laura Dern had been reportedly cast to reprise her role as Ellie Sattler from the first film.
2. It's Official! A New Godzilla Movie Is Coming In 2012!
Rumors that Legendary Pictures were in the process of making a new, American, "Godzilla" film first surfaced last August, and now they have been officially confirmed.
Yes, my friends, the studio has just announced that they have struck a deal with the famed Toho studios in Japan to produce a brand-new "Godzilla" movie, which will be released through Warner Bros in 2012.
According to the deal, Warner Bros will co-produce the film, and pony up some of the cash for it, while Toho will release the film in Japan.
There isn't a director yet, but the studio has announced that Dan Lin, Roy Lee Brian Rogers, Yoshimitsu Banno, Kenji Okuhira and Doug Davison will all serve as producers.
Thomas Tull, Chairman and CEO of Legendary Pictures, commented, "Godzilla is one of the world's most powerful pop culture icons, and we at Legendary are thrilled to be able to create a modern epic based on this long-loved Toho franchise. Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has."
Sources close to the deal note that it will be similar in scope to other Warner/Legendary films, co-productions, such as "The Dark Knight" and "300".
1. GHOST ADVENTURES - Zak Bagans, Nick Grof And Aaron Goodwin At Comic Con 2010
Like I mentioned in my previous article, my experience at Comic Con was a little 'different' than that of the 'typical' fan. Instead of lusting after the 'trendy' movies and shows, my family and I were excited about a lot of things that weren't so mainstream.
One of these was the television series, "Ghost Adventures", and my wife April, son Christopher and I were really looking forward to meeting the shows stars Zak Bagans, Nick Grof and Aaron Goodwin at an autograph signing later in the afternoon.
As luck would have it, the very same people, Zak, Nick and Aaron,that we so strongly wanted to see, arrived at the convention at the exact same time that we did. Amazingly, they were just milling around in the area adjacent to the check-in and autograph areas. To our delite, we were able to snap a few photos and talk to Aaron for a few seconds. My wife was very happy to have told him that 'he was the shit!'
To our surprise, no one else even recognised them.
Ghost Adventures,
Godzilla 2012,
Jurassic Park 4,
King Kong,
Indie Film Maker Sets The Record Straight On His Werewolf Epic
Source: Jeremiah Sayys
Independent Filmmaker Jeremiah Sayys, who made is directorial debut with the psychological horror film “Of Silence” ( due to begin hitting film festivals next year, is being linked to many projects that’s being developed by his independent production company,
WorldsLastHero Productions. Sayys’ next project seems to be the werewolf film “WULF”, but with
many rumors floating around and misinformation being spread, Sayys’ has decided to clear up the rumors and misinformation.
Sayys, “My next official project is “WULF”, a werewolf horror film that we will go into production on in April. Any rumors regarding me doing any other film project other than “WULF” is simply not true. I’m very excited about the project.
It’s a very tragic, intense story and it’s going to be an amazing experience. However, at the very beginning of this year we were set to go into pre-production on the film “DeadLands Cry”, but because of budget reasons we had to push that film back on the company’s film slate and “WULF” took its place. As far as misinformation goes, is the casting of “WULF”. A couple of actors and actresses have been linked to the film and is said to be attached, but they aren’t. We’re “in talks” with some talent, but that’s all and nothing
more as of yet.”
Sayys’ also elaborated on his next project after “WULF”.
Sayys, “I have two films that I haven’t really decided on which one I want or should do first, after WULF. One of the films is an adaptation of my sci-fi graphic novel of the same name called “Miscreation” that’s set in a semi post-apocalyptic world. The other film is called “Being”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller. “Miscreation” is a high concept story that needs a big budget to be done right. “Being” is also a high concept story, but doesn’t really need a very big budget to be done right. So it really comes down to which one we can do financially, at the time.”
Sayys wrote the screenplay to “WULF” and will be producing, directing and starring in the film. His producing partner, Sheila Ryan and their new producing partner Kira Willoughy will also serve as producers on film. “WULF” tells the story of Preston Cunningham, a mechanic struggling to make peace with his tragic past while battling an inner monster from folklore legend, after being attacked by an injured wolf in Alaska.
“Miscreation” is an action/sci-fi/horror/thriller. It takes place in the year 2065, when the United States economy has completely collapsed and the middle class has devolved to slavery. The story follows mysterious survivalists, Tristan and Haven, as they travel a disastrous landscape searching for a ruthless killer on a murdering spree. Sayys will direct from his own screenplay and will produce and star in the film. Sheila Ryan and Kira Willoughby will serve as
producers on the film. “Miscreation” is the first graphic novel in Jeremiah Sayys’ graphic novel series, “A Nothing Place”, that he is currently developing.
“Being” tells the story of an eighteen year old college student and a thirty year old plumber, who develop an uncommon relationship that is tragically put on the line when the student begins to go through terrifying phases of inner body transformations after coming in contact with an unfamiliar insect. Sayys will once again direct from his own screenplay and will produce and star in the film. Ryan and Willoughby will serve as producers.
Other films on Sayys’ plate for the future are the following:
“DeadLands Cry” - A morally upstanding single father and his strong-willed teenage daughter are put to the test when volunteers renovating an old schoolhouse find themselves trapped and hunted by an inconceivable monster with an ominous past that reaches deep into local legend.
“Amoral Prodigy”, a dark and gritty horror/thriller about a solo detective investigating a case on a serial killer whose victims are showcased in gruesome and disturbing ways.
“The Bogeyman”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller that tells the story of a philosopher and her recovering alcoholic best friend that encounter a folkloric being, when a violent storm blacks out the entire neighborhood they live in.
“Glimpses of Being”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller about a corporate operative who’s sent on a job to categorize materials stored in a storage station, located on the realms of another solar system. He begins to reflect on his life and the people who were once in it he left behind on Earth, while battling the inner demons trying to destroy him.
Visit Sayys’ production company’s website,, to find out more about his projects.
See Also: Jeremiah Sayys Talks 'Deadlands Cry'
Independent Filmmaker Jeremiah Sayys, who made is directorial debut with the psychological horror film “Of Silence” ( due to begin hitting film festivals next year, is being linked to many projects that’s being developed by his independent production company,
WorldsLastHero Productions. Sayys’ next project seems to be the werewolf film “WULF”, but with
many rumors floating around and misinformation being spread, Sayys’ has decided to clear up the rumors and misinformation.
Sayys, “My next official project is “WULF”, a werewolf horror film that we will go into production on in April. Any rumors regarding me doing any other film project other than “WULF” is simply not true. I’m very excited about the project.
It’s a very tragic, intense story and it’s going to be an amazing experience. However, at the very beginning of this year we were set to go into pre-production on the film “DeadLands Cry”, but because of budget reasons we had to push that film back on the company’s film slate and “WULF” took its place. As far as misinformation goes, is the casting of “WULF”. A couple of actors and actresses have been linked to the film and is said to be attached, but they aren’t. We’re “in talks” with some talent, but that’s all and nothing
more as of yet.”
Sayys’ also elaborated on his next project after “WULF”.
Sayys, “I have two films that I haven’t really decided on which one I want or should do first, after WULF. One of the films is an adaptation of my sci-fi graphic novel of the same name called “Miscreation” that’s set in a semi post-apocalyptic world. The other film is called “Being”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller. “Miscreation” is a high concept story that needs a big budget to be done right. “Being” is also a high concept story, but doesn’t really need a very big budget to be done right. So it really comes down to which one we can do financially, at the time.”
Sayys wrote the screenplay to “WULF” and will be producing, directing and starring in the film. His producing partner, Sheila Ryan and their new producing partner Kira Willoughy will also serve as producers on film. “WULF” tells the story of Preston Cunningham, a mechanic struggling to make peace with his tragic past while battling an inner monster from folklore legend, after being attacked by an injured wolf in Alaska.
“Miscreation” is an action/sci-fi/horror/thriller. It takes place in the year 2065, when the United States economy has completely collapsed and the middle class has devolved to slavery. The story follows mysterious survivalists, Tristan and Haven, as they travel a disastrous landscape searching for a ruthless killer on a murdering spree. Sayys will direct from his own screenplay and will produce and star in the film. Sheila Ryan and Kira Willoughby will serve as
producers on the film. “Miscreation” is the first graphic novel in Jeremiah Sayys’ graphic novel series, “A Nothing Place”, that he is currently developing.
“Being” tells the story of an eighteen year old college student and a thirty year old plumber, who develop an uncommon relationship that is tragically put on the line when the student begins to go through terrifying phases of inner body transformations after coming in contact with an unfamiliar insect. Sayys will once again direct from his own screenplay and will produce and star in the film. Ryan and Willoughby will serve as producers.
Other films on Sayys’ plate for the future are the following:
“DeadLands Cry” - A morally upstanding single father and his strong-willed teenage daughter are put to the test when volunteers renovating an old schoolhouse find themselves trapped and hunted by an inconceivable monster with an ominous past that reaches deep into local legend.
“Amoral Prodigy”, a dark and gritty horror/thriller about a solo detective investigating a case on a serial killer whose victims are showcased in gruesome and disturbing ways.
“The Bogeyman”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller that tells the story of a philosopher and her recovering alcoholic best friend that encounter a folkloric being, when a violent storm blacks out the entire neighborhood they live in.
“Glimpses of Being”, a sci-fi/horror/thriller about a corporate operative who’s sent on a job to categorize materials stored in a storage station, located on the realms of another solar system. He begins to reflect on his life and the people who were once in it he left behind on Earth, while battling the inner demons trying to destroy him.
Visit Sayys’ production company’s website,, to find out more about his projects.
See Also: Jeremiah Sayys Talks 'Deadlands Cry'
Nigeria’s Best Kept Beauty Secret
A Nigerian beauty Adaeze. Photo Credit: Nigerian Entertainment Today.
Do you know Nigeria’s best kept beauty secret?
I found it on the BEST YOU blog and you can find out the details from the following article.
Nigeria’s Best Kept Beauty Secret
When Moabong Oku left Nigeria 16 years ago, one beauty aid she brought with her was shea butter. It’s made from the nut of Africa’s karite tree, indigenous to some 20 countries in the dry savannah belt, called the Sahel, which stretches from West Senegal to Sudan.
2011 here we come!!
Happy New Year! We want to wish you all the best love, sex, food, shopping, shoes, music, and all things that shine for the new year.
Here are a few New Years resolutions we hope to keep.
1: Go to the gym (typical)
2: Start painting again
3: I would like to take up an instrument
4: Finally learn how to drive
Let's see how it goes...
Here are a few New Years resolutions we hope to keep.
1: Go to the gym (typical)
2: Start painting again
3: I would like to take up an instrument
4: Finally learn how to drive
Let's see how it goes...
Kylie Bax Tattoo
Kylie Bax is a gorgeous New Zealand-born model and actress, best known for her work with both Vogue and Marie Claire.
Kylie has a single tattoo design, which is located just below her left breast and it appears to be a name or word with no more than seven letters, however its very difficult to see clearly.
Kylie has a single tattoo design, which is located just below her left breast and it appears to be a name or word with no more than seven letters, however its very difficult to see clearly.
Kylie Bax Tattoo
Natalie Bassingthwaighte Tattoo
Natalie Bassingthwaighte is a wildly popular Australian actress, singer, and television personality, perhaps best known as the lead vocalist of electro-pop band Rogue Traders and host of So You Think You Can Dance Australia.
Natalie Bassingthwaighte has a single visible tattoo design, which is a star on the inside of her left wrist.
In regards to her tattoo she said "I got it done when I was in LA. It represents a song on the album called 1000 Stars and it also represents my granddad who has passed away … he’s a star in the sky."
Natalie Bassingthwaighte has a single visible tattoo design, which is a star on the inside of her left wrist.
In regards to her tattoo she said "I got it done when I was in LA. It represents a song on the album called 1000 Stars and it also represents my granddad who has passed away … he’s a star in the sky."
Natalie Bassingthwaighte Tattoo
Natalie Bassingthwaighte Tattoo
Alain Bernard Tattoo
Alain Bernard is an outstanding French swimmer who has won three Olympic medals.
Alain has a single tattoo designs on his body that we are aware of, which is a shark with tribal markings located on his left hip/abdomen area.
Checkout these pictures of Alain Bernard's shark tattoo below.
Alain has a single tattoo designs on his body that we are aware of, which is a shark with tribal markings located on his left hip/abdomen area.
Checkout these pictures of Alain Bernard's shark tattoo below.
Alain Bernard Tattoo
Alain Bernard Tattoo
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010
New Years Eve 2011: New Years Eve Parties Photos, New Year Celebration Pictures
New Years Eve 2011: New Year's eve is that time of the year when the year that was, is bid good bye and the new year is greeted with a festive spirit. New Year is celebrated in different ways in different parts of India Here is a nice collection of wallpapers for new year eve 2011. Every year new year celebrations is the most exciting and thrilling festivals celebrated with lot of enjoyment & fun. Here is the Popular desktop wallpapers include new years eve parties wallpapers, new years eve party photos, new year celebration pictures, new years eve 2011 images. New Years Eve Wallpapers are a great way to deck up the desktop computer or laptop And wish you all a Happy and prosperous new Year 2011.
Tennis Beauty Duel: Ivanovic & Sharapova
Presenting the contenders
First Ultimate Tennis Beauty Contender: Ana Ivanovic
Second Ultimate Tennis Beauty Contender: Maria Sharapova
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