Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer is Splitsville

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer
Just recently news went out that Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer broke up. Now, it is confirmed and official that the two really called it split earlier this week. A source close to John told UK rag the Daily Mirror:
“There’s been a bit of tension for some time. They initially opted for a break, hoping a trial split might make them stronger. Sadly it doesn’t seem to have worked. John took the decision to end things as he felt he just wasn’t ready for the level of commitment that Jennifer deserved. Contrary to reports, Jen didn’t want to have kids or marry this year, but she did want to set a timetable for their future together. She also wanted him to assure her he would cut down his tours in the future when they did eventually have children.”
“Initially, Jennifer was furious when he told her of his decision but now she’s simply sad - not to mention a little heartbroken. They have spoken on the phone since the split and are trying to remain on good terms. But unless John has a dramatic change of heart, it’s unlikely they’ll rekindle their romance.”

How sad, they were supposed to be a nice looking couple. But then you can really never predict when a person falls in and falls out of love. Geez! Jennifer Aniston got dumped again, what do you think would Brad Pitt think about her ex.

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